GST 104 – Cartographic Design
Course Description:
This course introduces fundamental cartographic concepts. Successful students will be able to employ design principles to create and edit effective visual representations of data (e.g. maps, graphs and diagrams) in different formats (e.g. hardcopy, digital, web). Specific topics include the ethical and appropriate application of map scale, map projections, generalization and symbolization. Course content is based upon the United States Department of Labor’s Geospatial Technology Competency Model for entry level geospatial occupations including Geospatial or GIS Technicians and Technologists.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):
This course introduces fundamental cartographic concepts. Successful students will be able to employ design principles to create and edit effective visual representations of data (e.g. maps, graphs and diagrams) in different formats (e.g. hardcopy, digital, web). Specific topics include the ethical and appropriate application of map scale, map projections, generalization and symbolization. Course content is based upon the United States Department of Labor’s Geospatial Technology Competency Model for entry level geospatial occupations including Geospatial or GIS Technicians and Technologists.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):
- Categorize and describe different types of maps (thematic, reference…) and be able to give examples of how they are used.
- Describe the components of a map (map elements).
- Employ an appropriate geographic referencing system (datum, projection, coordinate system) for a given purpose.
- Select and apply ethical and appropriate data model, map scale, map elements, symbolization and color to produce maps that effectively communicate quantitative and qualitative geographic data.
- Design professional quality maps, including map elements such as text, graphs, charts and diagrams, employing cartographic principles.
- Produce maps and related products in a variety of formats (hardcopy, digital and web).
- Critique maps for appropriate use of cartographic design principles.