GeoTech Center Model Courses
NOTICE: Please let us know if you have a problem with any of the materials included in a model course. This can include broken links or inability to access any part of a course. Please send an email to: Ann Johnson at [email protected] or Vince DiNoto [email protected] letting us know the name of the course and what and where there are problems that need correction
Stand Alone Geospatial Awareness Course:
Certificate Module Course
Elective Model Courses
GST 201 – Spatial Analysis of Crime– Coming Soon
GST 202 – GIS for the Geosciences – Coming Soon |
Sequencing of courses is at the discretion of the offering institution, but it is suggested that the Introduction to Geospatial Technology be the first course in the Certificate Program sequence followed by other core courses (Spatial Analysis, Data Acquisition Management, and Cartographic Design). Electives can be chosen to suit the interest of the student. Industry experts have recommended that students acquire real-world experience in using geospatial technology and that an Internship or other service learning and/or experiential learning opportunity be included as part of the Certificate Program. The GST 100 spatial thinking and awareness Model Course can serve as an introduction to geospatial technology for other disciplines across a campus (i.e., General Education course). While this course is not part of the Certificate, it can serve as a feeder course into the Certificate Program and can be included as an elective so that students can receive credits for completing the course.
Caution should be taken when using individual content from the Model Courses such that, in some instances, context may be lost if additional content is not included. That is up to the discretion of the user.
Caution should be taken when using individual content from the Model Courses such that, in some instances, context may be lost if additional content is not included. That is up to the discretion of the user.