Syllabus SamplesThis folder contains examples of syllabi from partner colleges. These syllabi are all exemplary in their coverage and content and are offered for use by educators to enhance their own program.
Course Description: Introduction to basic concepts of vector GIS using several industry specific software programs including nomenclature cartography and geography. THIS COURSE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE TEXAS SKILLS STANDARD BOARD (TSSB) AS A MODEL CURRICULUM. ![]() GISC 1421 Introduction to Raster Based Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Introduction to raster-based GIS sets including raster-based information such as images of photographs, acquisition of such data, and processing and merging with vector data. THIS COURSE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE TEXAS SKILLS STANDARD BOARD (TSSB) AS A MODEL CURRICULUM. ![]() GISC 1491 Special Topics in Geographic Information Systems
Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behavior pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. THIS COURSE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE TEXAS SKILLS STANDARD BOARD (TSSB) AS A MODEL CURRICULUM. ![]() GISC 2301. DATA ACQUISITION AND ANALYSIS IN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS
Study of management of geographic information, system life cycles, and costs and benefits. Topics include demographic management and institutional issues such as data providers, data management, combination of attribute and graphical data, information and storage and access, Texas and national standards for spatial data; and applications of GIS for demographic modeling and analysis. THIS COURSE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE TEXAS SKILLS STANDARD BOARD (TSSB) AS A MODEL CURRICULUM. ![]() GISC 2311.WORKPLACE GEOGRAPH INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) AND GLOBAL POSITIONING
Application of GIS technology to real-world workplace applications from public and private sectors. Completion of Global Positioning System (GPS) field work required for lab exercise. THIS COURSE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE TEXAS SKILLS STANDARD BOARD (TSSB) AS A MODEL CURRICULUM. ![]() GISC-2420.INTERMEDIATE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS: CARTOGRAPHY AND GEOGRAPHY IN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) AND GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEMS (GPS)
Introduction to the principles of cartography and geography. Emphasis on global reference systems and the use of satellites for measurements and navigation. Students gain greater cartographic skills in presenting information using ArcGIS software. Student use the GPS data collection using the Trimble Geo XM and ArcPad software. THIS COURSE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE TEXAS SKILLS STANDARD BOARD (TSSB) AS A MODEL CURRICULUM. ![]() GISC 2459. WEB SERVED GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) APPLICATIONS
Delivery of geographic data via the Internet. Includes composition of the map features distributed and introduction on the use of markup languages to customize web-based Geographic Information Systems (GIS). THIS COURSE HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE TEXAS SKILLS STANDARD BOARD (TSSB) AS A MODEL CURRICULUM. |